For this project, we conducted brainstorming sessions with fourth-grade students living in Sunset Park to decide on the design and colors. During the brainstorming, we posed two questions: “What are your memories of Sunset Park?” and “How do you want Sunset Park to be in the future?” The students were divided into groups of about four and drew keywords and illustrations, categorizing them accordingly.
Regarding the colors, we had the students think about which colors would be suitable based on the initial brainstorming. Before selecting colors, we explained that each color has its own meaning. For example, orange represents an active emotion, while blue represents calmness. Taking these emotional meanings into account, they chose the colors.
After the brainstorming, we collected the post-its and color sheets and used them to create the design.
This time, considering the collaboration with the elementary students and the characteristics of the park location, we adopted a playful, graffiti-like style.
1day Introduction, What is mural?, How to make mural?, Brainstorm
2day Leaning how to trace image, paint practice
3day Continue paint practice, practice for transfer mural design to the container
4day Mural paint
Sunset Park - 7th Avenue &, 41rd St, Brooklyn, NY 11232
May - June (2024)
Height: 2860mm (9.4 feet) x Width: 10970mm (36 feet )

Trace image

Design Sketch

Tracing training

Priming and tracing design

1st Paint day

2nd Paint Day