Chapter 01. Brand Strategy and Logo Design
BACK STORY / Make a Better World
Almost everyday, you hear “climate change” and “global warming” in our daily lives. It is becoming a serious issue not year by year, but day by day.
2019, Swedish teenage environmental activist Greta Thunberg attended the 2019 UN Climate Action Summit. Her speech there, in which she exclaimed "How dare you!” made me realize that I am old enough to take serious action for the environment.
I was ashamed of my inaction until well over 30 years' of age. My brain understood the climate issue but my feeling was not following. I saw many news reports on natural disasters caused by climate change. Still I didn't accept that “this is OUR problem”.
How might we perceive environmental problems as OUR own? Many people have heard news about global warming. Despite this, not many people take action to save the world.
The target is for people who cannot realize that the environmental problem is OUR shared problem.
Encourage people to take action to make better world for OUR future.
2050 is an important year for us. Do you know carbon neutrality? Carbon neutrality refers to achieving net-zero carbon dioxide emissions. Many countries have set that goal in 2050. Therefore, I decided to put this number in the title.
OUR FUTURE STORY is coming from the service.
Through this website, you can see the predicted future view and its related story, finding that this climate change is our shared problem.
This project reveals a predicted future view and its story on the website. The biggest impact is the ocean level. Numerous big cities are located next to an ocean. If we do not take action now, parts of major cities will be under water in 2050.
Year 2050 is designed larger for users to remember easily. Slash mark explains "time" and "or". "Time" symbolizes our goal limit. "Or" indicates that this story may become a fiction or non-fiction. It all depends on hour action starting from today.
Navy blue : Main theme color. It comes from blue image of an ocean.
Orange red : Accent color. The purpose is to make it stand out by using a color that contrasts with the navy.
Beige : Base color. It delivers friendly and calm image. It was inspired from the color of a paper book, because of storytelling aspect of this website.