The Flag Project generated hundreds of incredible responses, garnering creative and inspiring submissions, not just from New York and the U.S., but from across the world. Thank you for submitting your artwork to Flag Project 2022 and showing us what the environment means to you, how you live sustainably and in harmony with nature and the daily steps you take towards positive climate action.
For me, the existence of an environment requires people helping each other. I cannot create an environment by myself. Also, I can't protect it alone. We will collaboratively build a better environment, shown as hands holding together. I choose hands as the main symbol to suggest this theme of "helping each other".
There are various problems in the world, and I think it is necessary to have some emotional leeway. People who are full of problems and extremely busy have no room in their mind. At the same time, they lose interest in other issues such as the environment. Here, I am using the Chinese character "心(heart)", which is also used in my home country Japan, to represent heart, feeling, and mind. It is combined with the shape of the hand.
I hope to work peacefully and cleanly on environmental issues so that divisions and violence do not occur. Because of this, I chose a refreshing color. The light green background symbolizes nature and peace. The blue used on hands symbolizes honesty. The warm colors in hands emphasize activity and warmth.
There are various problems in the world, and I think it is necessary to have some emotional leeway. People who are full of problems and extremely busy have no room in their mind. At the same time, they lose interest in other issues such as the environment. Here, I am using the Chinese character "心(heart)", which is also used in my home country Japan, to represent heart, feeling, and mind. It is combined with the shape of the hand.
I hope to work peacefully and cleanly on environmental issues so that divisions and violence do not occur. Because of this, I chose a refreshing color. The light green background symbolizes nature and peace. The blue used on hands symbolizes honesty. The warm colors in hands emphasize activity and warmth.
DATE : April 1 - May 1 (2022)
SIZE : 8’ x 5’
LOCATION : Rockefeller Center (45 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY 10111)