Birds can symbolize peace, freedom, and migration. New York, especially Sunset Park, is home to many immigrants, adding to the cityʼs vibrant diversity. Greenwood Cemetery, often thought of as just a burial ground, is actually a famous bird-watching spot where many birds thrive. From this location, we envision painting a scene of various birds, each with unique patterns, soaring freely across the New York sky.

5th Ave / between 36th 34th St. , Brooklyn, NY

Date: Sep-Nov (2024) 
Sep 26 & 28 : Workshop at the Green-Wood Cemetery Modern Chapel
​​​​​​​Oct 27 : Community Paint Party

Hight  (right)  7'8"  /  (left) 6'3.5" 
Width 50'

Workshop : 
We provide art workshops and contribute to the mural design process. The workshop proceeds as follows: Participants choose one of six types of migratory birds. Inside the bird, they use patterns and designs to express themselves or someone important to them. After completing their artwork, a brief presentation is given.
workshop process
workshop artwork examples
Wall Preparation & Community Paint Party: 
For the community paint party, we applied primer and transferred the design. This time, we used the Doodle method for transferring. The Doodle design included the announcement for the paint party. Once the design was transferred, we traced the outlines and numbered the colors.

community paint party


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